Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Nice Walk to London

Well Thursday ended up being a fun day. The weather has finally started to warm up here meaning it’s been around 60 degrees Fahrenheit, that’s 15 to 16 degrees Celsius. (I’m still working on my temperature conversions because when I hear 15 degrees I still associate that number with a very different type of weather than they do here) Anyway I wanted to get out of the house and I wanted to go for a long walk. Walking has become one of my favorite activities over the past few years. After I stopped driving walking was simply forced on me as a way to get around but overtime it has just become something I enjoy doing.

Now while I like walking to new places for the fun that goes with the exploring the unknown I find I still like having some sort of destination in mind. I like trying to get somewhere even if the route is somewhat of a mystery. So yesterday I began looking for places to go and my initial instinct was to go to a nearby Burger King. Burger King has become a favorite destination of mine not because of the food by any means but because they are one of the few restaurants that give free refills on their drinks and even better they have the machines out on the floor allowing you to serve yourself as is so common in the States. Now the problem was that this Burger King is a place I've walked to many times so there was no sense of exploration that came with going there and it really isn't that far away from the house, only about 2 miles (about a 30 minute walk). Now there is another Burger King at the mall, which allows the same free refills so I decided that maybe I should go there. I mapped it out and it is a 7 mile walk from the house, which is about 2 to 2.5 hours depending on how fast you walk. Generally speaking I can walk fairly quickly if I know where I am going but the first time I go somewhere I tend to walk slower or if I’m just in no hurry, which I wasn't yesterday so I was pretty sure the walk would be closer to 2.5 hours than 2. Now one of the big issues with long walks is that while it is fun to walk a long way to get somewhere it often isn't as fun to walk back because you've seen all there is to see but of course it takes just as long to get home unless you cheat and jump on a bus. So before I even left I was already pondering whether I would take the bus home or not.

As I begin to map out the walk and see the time that would be spent getting there and back I decided to look and see how far Priya’s work was and how long it would take me to get there. It’s located downtown and is about 13 miles from the house so the mall was just about half way. Now the nice thing about that walk would be I would get to meet up with Priya after work and ride home with her on the train. Really I would walk the same amount of time to get there as I would to get to the mall and walk home, around 4 to 4.5 hours but this way I got to be with Priya. I mentioned it to her in an email and she encouraged me to go for it so I did.

I left the house around 11.15am and head off towards downtown. I got to the mall at about 1:30 and I didn't have any trouble finding it. The path was a pretty straight one and a fairly nice one. I spent most of my time next to a large road but it wasn't too busy and there were lots of shops and parks to look at along the way. When I got to the mall I stopped and rewarded myself with some Burger King because what better way to refresh yourself and nourish your body after a long walk than give it fast food and soda, right?

I sat around the mall for a while in part to rest but also to make stay close to a restroom just in case. I've made the mistake of walking somewhere, eating and then heading home quickly without thinking about whether I would have access to a restroom or not. It’s not fun to walk when you need to go to the bathroom because you quickly find that now at the time when you need to move the fastest is the time when you actually have to move the slowest.  Anyway I stuck around, relaxed awhile had a few more drinks than I probably should have and then took off.

On the way from the mall to Priya’s office it was fun to see how the surroundings changed as you got further and further into the city. The housing became more elaborate and detailed and was clearly much older than the other neighborhoods I had walked through. In a way it felt like walking back in time when you just focused on the houses and that was cool.

I got to a large open space called Kensington Garden and Hyde Park, which are connected in the middle by a large pond. The park was crowded with people. I thought on a Thursday afternoon it would have been a little quieter but maybe people here just have to get outside when the sun is actually out since it often isn't  The parks were quite nice. They were filled with beautiful flowers, nice trees, various birds and all kinds of statutes dedicated to numerous different people and/or events. From there I continued into Green Park and St. James Park both of which are right next to Buckingham Palace. It was, of course, quite crowded with tourists around the palace. As I continued I found myself in the Horse Guards Parade and the Horse Guard Headquarters both of which were very interesting and fun to view and while I was there I also got to see some of the Royal Guards on their horses. By the time you got to the palace Big Ben was also visible in the distance.

At this point I was running out of time before I had to meet Priya at her office so I took off and I ended up there about 10 minutes before she got off work. So from the time I left the house at 11:15 am to the time I was at her office, at 5:20 pm, was 6 full hours. Of course I could get there much faster if I hadn't stopped for lunch or wandered through the parks and done some sightseeing still it was a fair amount of time. Once Priya got off work we did some walking around and a little shopping and then headed home. All in all I walked around 15 miles in the day. By the time I got home my feet were a little sore as was the calf of my right leg and the thigh of my left leg though I’m not sure why there was that difference between the two legs.

Anyway it was a fun day and I took some pictures, which I've included here for people to look at. Now almost all the pictures are ones of the parks or by the palace. There aren't any pictures of the trip to the mall because there really wasn't much worth photographing. So that was my day, take a look at the pictures and you can see a little of what I saw Thursday.

Kensington Garden and Hyde Park 

Green Park

Buckingham Palace

St. James Park

Horse Guards Parade and Horse Guard Headquarters 

Downtown London

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